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Stary 02.12.2020, 14:13   #1545
ArtiZet's Avatar

Zapłaciłem składkę :)

Zarejestrowany: Mar 2011
Miasto: akalicy stolicy
Posty: 3,296
Motocykl: XRV650
Przebieg: 90+
ArtiZet jest na dystyngowanej drodze
Online: 5 miesiące 2 tygodni 2 dni 1 godz 59 s

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As you have seen from the pictures, the motorcycle is in very good condition. I must tell you that everything works as it should and there are no hidden defects.
Currently, I'm not in Poland, I was in Poland with some business when I placed the announcement.
Now I am in Sweden, I work at Traktor & Maskin AB, I am the manager, I sell tractors and other machines and due to my work I travel a lot.

I can ship the motorcycle to you with a transport company and of course I pay all shipping costs. I use it a lot in my domain.

This is also a good option because the company offers a 3-day trial, which means you can test the motorcycle in 3 days before receiving the money. The delivery time is 3 to 5 business days.
Let me know if you want more information about the whole process and of course if you want to buy the motorcycle.

Best Regards from cold Sweden,"

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