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Stary 22.02.2019, 12:29   #14
Ajde Jano
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Domyślnie Michellin Anakee Wild w ciężkim enduro.

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Useless information:
As the crow flies., Cape Agulhas to Nordkapp: 7,338m / 11,810km
My km: Wandering about from Cape Agulhas - Norkapp 48,887.8
* time taken from Cape Agulhas - Nordkapp: 602 days.!
Wind speed today Norkapp: Gale force.
*Bike milage now: 124,203km
* Mechanical failures; Zero..!
* 48,887.8 zero punctures
* Fuel usage 49,000km:, 4.4L p/100km..!
* Border crossings in/out 89 x (trouble free)..! (Schengen only one).!
* Ambient temperatures ridden: lowest 3°C, highest 57°C..!
* Lowest altitude - ( Not Ethiopia) -440m Israel - The Dead Sea.!
* Highest altitudes 4,360m Simien Mountain Range.
* 18x oil changes (149,000km)
* Tires used, TKC 80's as my 1st choice..! (24,000km on the rear).
*Now on TKC70 front and rear.!
*Zero speeding fine received (twice camera flashed (40 zone) Zurich Switzerland..!

Teraz post głównie o oponach

The tire debate does and always will go on., this post however is not a debate., im merely sharing the facts of my experience I’ve had with my Continental TKC80’s on my 2014 BMW1200 GSA LC especially the past 24,000km..🏁🏁🏁
Facts are:
* I do not carry a spare front/rear tire with me.,
* i do not know where/when things can/will go wrong.,
* it is not easy to get a tire of my size in the remote parts of Africa let alone a tire of your/my choice..!
Since early 2014 tho times are changing., outside of RSA it is:
* relatively easy to find tires (of choice) in; Namibia/Whk and Kenya/Nairobi.!
* Tanzania/Dar es Salaam and Ethiopia/Addis Ababa., you can find tires if you search hard enough or have connections.,
* Sudan and Eygpt are not easy but not impossible..
All of the above still does not help me when i am stuck somewhere remote which i often am and solo., therefore the bottom line is..,
Caring#For#My#Tires., with:
* correct pressures.,
* how hard im am on the brakes front/rear.,
* how hard im on the throttle from start to ave speeds.,
* and then of course.., is your/my EGO at stake..!
Many of you reading this may or may not be a better rider than me., its not the issue., i am in this to win or beat anyone..!
A comment or two have been said; do i ride with my bike on the back of a bakkie (pick-up)., the other saying that i ride like a pussy..!
I probably do ride like a pussy., this race is between the tortoise and hare.., i just want to get there., where ever there may be..!
My 2014 GSA LC is now on 112,000km of which 85,000km (call me a liar for 1-2k) have been out of the RSA borders traveling thru African countries..!
This bike has done mechanically free;
* 2 x Cape Town - Ethiopia back to Cape Town.
* 2 more x Cape Town - Namibia - Zambia - Cape Town., (which on both parts we were 2-up)..
* Currently., Cape - Cairo - Israel to Europe now the trip on 36,000km.!
Besides the bike’s dry weight (abt 210kgs) added weight the standard 30L of fuel., plus another 70/80kgs which the heavier items would be:
* me at 74kgs
* 5-10L spare fuel (country dependant)..,
* 10L drinking water (area dependent).. i.e. White Desert/Egypt..!
* Tools., spare front tube., spare rear brake-pads.,
* Elect pump (2 of).,
* Tent., ATG stretcher & pillow.,
* Pots., pans., gas-stove.,
* First Aid kit (comprehensive).,
* Travelling all 4 seasons of the year., not planning/not knowing when/where i will be., i have., 3 x sleeping bags (from very light to thickish., putting one into another for the minus zero deg temperatures).
* BMW Rally 3 suite inners.,
* Outer rain jacket & pants.
* Winter gloves., elec 12v inner jacket.,
* 2 x power banks., (1 doubles as a jump-starter).,
* Rotor-disk lock.,
* Personal cloths are minimal., total weight cloths, shoes., slops., toiletries., etc., +-6kgs (i have sent back many T-shirts of collection/gifts).!
All/every 100g adds to the weight..
Road surfaces have been:
* tar/asphalt., ranging from., good/bad/broken with big potholes., soft sand., mud., powder-dust., gravel., large/small/marble/stones., sharp stone chip., basically what ever comes my way., i never plan so i don’t know what lies before me..!
* Tire pressures vary., tho im anal about them where they must/must not be.!
In the past i have all too often come off the soft sand at; 0.8 - 1.2bar., seen a guy on the road and asked “how far to the next gas station”.., to which the reply always is; “5min”..!
At 22Okm/h., yes it is only 5-10min., more-so like 20km away which does damage to a tire of 1.5bar or less pressure.!
* When i do get out of the sand onto the tar.., 40°C or not., i stop and pump my tires back up to around the 3.3bar., and yes i have had it happen that 1km further im back into the soft sand for a few 100m or more., then taking a chance to ride thru without letting ‘em down and 5min later the bike on its side and me asking myself.. “why”..!
In short i ride my tire pressures as hard as possible that the surface i am on will allow or dictates to me without jeopardising the well being of my bike or my personal safety..!
My 2017 trip now on 36,600km on 2 sets of TKC80’s., with zero punctures.
* 1st set 12,700km., zero punctures front/rear.!
* 2nd set 24,000km zero punctures front/rear.,
Whilst the 1st set had many more km left., in Nairobi i had a spare set thus leaving the 1st set behind as spare/emergancy until i reached Egypt.!
When choosing your tire:
* Know your riding style.,
* Know your needs and wants.,
* Do not put an agro tire on for your ego., ride tar 99% vs 1% dirt and expect longevity and complain..!
* A slick wont work in the sand., likewise a TCK80 is not for the track..!
* There is no perfect (all-round., 50/50) tire., everything has an expire date., even you..
Power/weight., brakes., rubber., temperatures.., its not rocket science., what ever your choice., ride to enjoy., feel the freedom of 2wheels., only a dog with his head out of window can understand how you feel..!
Be safe ride smart..

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Ostatnio edytowane przez consigliero : 22.02.2019 o 12:41
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